Bergan County, New Jersey 1970's


This was written after my children left home and I was asked to help in a yahoo list of Crystal Indigo Children:

Date: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:36 am
Subject: Re: [starchildawakening] The Starchild Project

I've kinda avoided this, but here it goes.

When I was a kid, I was overdosed with materialistic power and control in the most densely populated place in the USA. I had the gang, built and sold bikes, acorn fights and go-carts races before I was 10. I spent most of my time in the woods building, exploring, getting into trouble. That was way up in northern NJ when there were still woods and farms, fourth train stop north of NY, before the endless housing developments. If it was organized and structured, it was the enemy threatening MY Woods, and needed to be defaced, destroyed, and otherwise messed up.

I was picked-on and alienated by school kids. Teachers pushed me through, just to get me out. Years later, I actually began to work in school. In my High School English class we had to write an original story. This was the very beginning of writing for me, so I wrote a story about coming home from a party through my woods. This big party was crashed by the cops, and we all scattered out to escape them. No one but me would go through the woods at night, course I knew every tree and stone better than I knew my own brother.

This writing story developed over months, where every day for the first 10 minutes of class we would write. I described escaping this party and how I stopped at this big giant rock to rest. As I sat on the edge of this big round smooth rock, about 20' across; there right next to me, this hatch opened-up? It was like the rock that I've sat on countless times was suddenly a spaceship. Sure, I'd been partying and everyone else always talked about hallucinations, so it was my turn to have one.

I just sat there on the rock and watched as this little fellow came out of it. He turned to me and we started talking, though it was never with verbal words. Course, my first question was how did you do that... I remember him describing how they could move between the spaces in atoms. Like between the electrons and the nucleus. And since there were such VAST spaces between these in everything in our universe, they could easily move and be anywhere without being noticed by us 3D folks.

These months of writing this story went on and on about all these discussions. It was almost like I was trying to learn new tricks or something from this little guy. I remember the teacher just loved my story and was perplexed about how much detail I got into. I also remember someone asking me to describe the little guy. We split up into groups or worked in teams, since this was a year long project. I remember one other student told me to make the little guy green with antennas, and I remember how offended I was that he wanted to make it into a comic book character.

Course, I've not thought of this experience in years... and now I remember asking the little alien rock guy about hiding inside of me, since I was only atoms as well. It seems like they should be able to go through me easier than a rock. He said it wasn't possible, because of the multiple dimensions that I was. I didn't believe him, and insisted. SO he went into me, and I could feel him inside of me. Actually, now I'm not sure if he was a "he," "she," or "it;" but I do know since then, that I've had visions and experiences of this kinda experience with a lover. I'm sure we've all had that extreme love moment, where we melt into the moment.

My point with writing this story of meeting a spaceman is that with all the new tricks … Magic, levitation, bi-locations,etc. . . that you Crystal Indigo Kids are exploring is cool and groovy to learn. BUT after I have been through countless layers of this, the one thing that I've learned or understood from Ground Zero... is that I am HERE NOW. And I am here Now for a REASON.

Wasting my time trying to be something else, is just fooling myself, and avoiding my responsibilities HERE NOW!!! Not that exploring our skills isn't valid and helpful for us to understand ourselves more .... But we must start in SELF! Repressing anything means I'm "incomplete" going forward trying to bring my Passion and Love forward. Honestly, if humanity focused on Love, with as much energy and power that people put into space travel, or video games, this world wouldn't have any poverty, wars, hunger, or sickness!!!

Yes, it is about knowing yourself first! If there is anything negative inside of us now ... then we must clear it first or we blindly add to poverty and sickness!!!! That is why Seth and countless gifted guru's recommend clearing ourselves first!!!

    1. What have you repressed from Childhood?
    2. What is your ACE score
    3. Complete your own Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy to reveal, express and release these first.

Only then can your gifts and skills as Crystal or Indigo kids be expressed for all to benefit.

Matthew 7 Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?




----- Original Message -----
From: "erix" <erix@t...>
Date: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:36 am
Subject: Re: [starchildawakening] The Starchild Project

I've kinda avoided this, but here it goes.

I've met aliens, done Magic, levitation, OBEs, bi-locations . . . wealth, success, LSD, Cocaine, etc. . .

Ground Zero is there is nothing more out there ... these are all useless distractions!

All that is valualble is that: I am HERE NOW! Only ONE life here NOW. I am here NOW for a REASON.

Crystal and Indigo Kids BE HERE NOW!

Avoid the ADHD drug psychosis and Clear YOURSELF First. Avoid the TV, and the American Machine tyranny of deceptions. Discover your own Responsibilities in your gifts and passions to contribute.

What is repressed from Childhood?
What is your ACE score

Complete your own Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy to reveal, express and release ACE Trauma we have all collected on Earth!
ONLY NOW, knowledge confirmed in experience allows complete Passion Expression for Earth's Evolution!

What is my skill to contribute?
Passion is based in Skills beyond all others discernible from EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE.

