

About Me

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Location:Tampa, Florida, United States

I'm playing all the time loving our Blessed Loving Lord Jesus Christ, learning, growing, loving, creating a new De'ja Vu every moment of my life, a continuous coincident, synchronistic with Christ synergy in everything.... wow, what a ride it is to see all of nature and creation opened up to me like an Oyster Full of PEARLS, You are all Beautiful PEARLS.. Yes YOU!!!! EveryONE! WOW 1 I AM


·                     Google News

·                     The Mind Of God

·                     The Latest Research


·                     October 2004

·                     November 2004

·                     December 2004

Monday, December 13, 2004


Wow, so the model is almost done. Well done enough to submit. I still will end up redoing a few things. I think I can get the calibration tighter. Yes oh that's what I need to do...

So after I Chanted Thursday morning and filled with these visions, I realized what I had to do with all this in my hands. So I saw doing my chant for some ladies.

# posted by stars2man @ 1:51 AM 0 comments  

Thursday, December 09, 2004

this is a webpage tooo... lol...

oh this is a trip to open a webpage now? And I realize what that really means to me! I've collected pictures of the oddest things precisely for this. Little scraps to piece together a fantasy ... lol.... knew this was coming, lol... trusted my instincts in creating the desire for what i needed to express myself.

Now i need to pull in documents from other places. Another Web Tool! MAKE it like so if i import pages from groups/archives I can update them and expand on them. That would be a neat tool... especially if i could change it everywhere. Yea, keeping archives like wiki's do too... lol... so others can update it too.... like so many groups are full of old crap messages we sent before we knew anything... lol... so we need to update and correct them... orat least link to the updates! still the engineer combining resources again.

This is exactly what you asked for. What did yo think would come? 11.55pm Landslide By Seven Places "I will trust you Jesus I'll be Brave" 11.56pm "I'm not unhappy that i take the train today..." Day by Day By Point of Grace

WOW this is really freeing... like all this energy is flowing out of me into this keyboard... and I see in my mind how it's all electronics... countless little points of light moving about. Here a quantum, then there...each at the same time, back and forth over again ad infinitum.....

lol... more more more, so i send my own electrons through this WORD to You NOW! LOVE; SMILE 0;->)))==<

"Show my devotions, I want to fall in love with you, I want to fall in you with you" Love song for a Savior by Jars of Clay

Each electron i send to you know carries a vibration. And that is vibration I add is my Knowledge, Direction, and control for the little beam. I send my direction, my prayer, my point of understanding in these rays to you here. Each Word, Each Feeling.... coming for you now....

You know it, you feel it.... It's not about me, it's all about you... There's no sweeter name i know!!!... lol.... Jesus, I am Yearning here for you!!!
12.21pm everything i am wants to BE LIKE YOU!!!!

Everything you are Son Everything by Seven Place 12.22pm

So cool... thanks Man, this is really going to be awesome. Live sharing this Energy online? with You? You are so cool about this... I Love You Lord Jesus Christ!"

You are Son; this is just barely beginning. You were so very clear and strong today that you have no idea, you need to tell Claire about the restaurant. I want to know you by Sonicflood

Oh shit, I mean... we walked in and the place was packed in seconds. So i knew that happens to me anywhere I go, and I realized how it was a viable example that she can understand how consciousness is all connected. I then realized how I emailed her this morning about reservations for lunch at our usual place. And how i knew just suggesting the concept was sending energy for everyone to go there. So when i arrived early, Barbara had already called for reservations and it was full already.

That's something i tested while riding my motorcycle. I could focus on taking one route home, until i raced off on my bike and suddenly turn to go the other direction, to find it empty. It was so neat how I could feel the difference when i shifted.... like the weight of hundreds was off of me.... aaaa freee....

WOW, Now I remember how i'd give the kids a Weekender with our options circled for fun! They would pick the ones we wanted and then think about the others to shift the crowds. I remember how Emily really knew what she wanted, no traffic, but big crowds at the art shows!

So I saw Skalkos today and asked her to join my research committee to prove how consciousness changes DNA. Wow, and I know realize why. She was right i need to confide in someone to say the entire story. However, she has ethical disclosure issues. Lol... which i can wave with a signature.... hum? and then the security is assured for all the other participants too. hum? ;-/

Course Skalkos knew Claire and visa versa. Evidently the counseling center is now well established for conflict resolution techniques; development and used administration wide. Claire was stunned to hear I saw Skalkos weekly for years before the center became popular... Skalkos related completly to her having a visitor weekly too. Claire and i met at lunch, while Skalkos would NEVER join me for lunch... lol.... but each watched me progress for years at USF.

Connecting little points of light. WOW, so for lunch i told Claire how i presented my case to Skalkos... saying how i needed to get all these women together to witness the Full Chant. Then they could experience it and understand how much energy we can move. I mean, demonstrations are always most effective.

But Claire wasn't convinced, so i said how this wonderful "Ro" witch popped over for a holiday weekend. I said Understanding it was only by experience, how better to start a class. So i described how Ro came in after 12 hours changing flights from
London. And we started with the Cypress Rd Beach 5 minutes from the airport, where I showed her the concepts. She liked the beach. So then in Clearwater hours later, I explained it in more detail showing her again.... then a third time at my house.

Morning i was ready for the whole thing. So i showed her in the space (lol... web... LOL!!!) set her in the EAST, pointed out the circle, gave her some drums and went to prepare. When i returned i cast a circle into the one she did while i was gone. Then chanted ALL OUT! Moving the energy to connect Heaven and Earth though our vortex. So we shared this vision of a civilization of Love in mothering children. She was playing with the kids in the garden while i was running off with my love.

We shared the same visions, so i asked who she was speaking to, and she asked if I'd seen her mom.

Mom? I said, I thought it was GrandMom...
Yes that's right, how did you know!!!!
Hey Ro, this is the garden here, remember you flew over last night?

So then she asked me more about what I saw, and as i began to explore the visions it opened like a white lotus. And I began with details about their traditions and the gardens and experiences teaching the children. She STOPPED ME in moments recognizing I knew too much already... and asked me HOW?

So I then explained how we each are a
temple of God. I'm Doing this Shamonic Dance Ritual in Prayer of Love to Jesus Christ. I just am acting as I was created for and the flash that passes through me i witness as a Gift of God for her. She had witnessed the Love of God that was there for her. She shared in this expression of the Divine, so she could take what she wants of it.

I have learned to pass it on since it all expands and returns to me applified, so to explore it further is to Honor God even more! SO PLEASE ASK ME MORE!!!

So next Claire Tells me about a Great Aunt who passed recently. Her mom's sister who was deep into the Indian Traditions of their family. No one else in the family would face it, or accept it... Excpet her Daughter ALSO NAMED RO, who was very close with her!!! WOW, another Lady connected to this same path. Maybe I need to see her daughter to help me convince her to demonstrate this Chant! Course i made a CD to define the context and everything for Skalkos, which I need to recreate and copy for Claire and her Daughter, ugh and others!!! lol....

Oh and I need to explain how the songs are on a radio, just another business. The NOW experience I've created for you is Locked in time with these songs!! And they flow into YOU while you share in it by reading my words. Check the songs... read the LIGHT FOR YOU!!!

All GOD's people say, WE LOVE YOU, WE LOVE YOU LORD!!! We Love you.,,, and we pray The beauty of Simplicity by Telecast 1.44 it's in the business rocords, royalties are paid based on the songs played.. it's all recorded... NOW

I love you Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, thanks for sharing here with me amen

# posted by stars2man @ 11:49 PM 0 comments  

What do you really want to happen now?

What do you really want to happen now?

I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ; thank you so very much for everything that you have given to me. Please keep us safe. Bring us what we need and guide us all into your Love and Grace for the Glory of God. Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ

Please let me sleep, guide me tomorrow to say Your words and do Your deeds! amen!

Thursday, December 09, 2004
2:07:22 PM
This is too much I'm just going to laugh. I know I asked for all of this and I know I can deal with anything. It's just so funny to see this all happening so quick. Like the last time I journalled in the library, i felt like people were reading over my shoulder. And now I Know they all can all read it as quickly as I post it.

Ugh and I know i need to post what I hand wrote this morning... Ugh, alsways so much to do and never enough time...

# posted by stars2man @ 2:10 PM 0 comments  

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Monday, December 06, 2004 11:13:45 PM

Date:Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:21:00 -0800 (PST)
From:"Eric" To:"Chuck"
Subject: hey dude
Hey Chuck,

This is weird... really weird.I'm reading my OLD Journal.... from 1987

Two days before I met
Dan Walbolt for the very first time.... I was praying and playing my God talk stuff as I always did. And so here as I wrote the songs from the radio....

"so now, Walbolt will likely tell me we’re only a student group and must do it on our own.... who knows it will likely all come through, but I'm ready to deal with the worst."

It’s just kinda freaky reading this now, since it about happened that way.
I guess I should write about how things I do now will come out too?

Thanks Buddy!
Peace and love to you and yours!

So I'm still reading my journal. And the section I just read is the same as my day today. So I need to write it here. (red is corrections added now)

  • 5/25/87 5.35pm So I’ve gone through the last year of old newspaper clippings that I’ve collected.... Organized, trimmed and cut them all up. Filled up a bag of trash and put a bunch into a RAS presentation book. For my meeting tomorrow. I organized it all good I think. Starts out with the local development and goes into all the problems it causes; polluting rivers, killing wildlife and destroying children with all the social pressures, and obvious perversion and exploitation. Then I go into the mess in the government and HRS and how little they do.
  • And then comes RAS and USF on the scene with all kinds of clippings about USF architecture and 2 clippings about RAS (ARCE). Then I go into clippings about kids and nature and projects, developing productions and the rich rewards from it and then I got my projects.
  • 5/26/87 9.23pm Met with Bryan Burgess and Mr. Walbolt for an hour today.
  • 9.45pm I see Dr. Skalkos again tomorrow.... I’ve always thought she would witness my passing.... like I feel she’ll see and know my growth. Like when I pass into newness of life.
  • Like the gap I need to bridge is within myself.... and everyone has the same gap between
    conscious and unconscious, between knowledge and belief, between right brain and left brain.... between intellect and intuition BETWEEN MAN AND God.
  • And when I bridge it I'll finally be able to succeed as I must and need to. I've known Skalkos would be here to witness this.
  • 5/26/87 10.37pm Chuck called and I told him a little about the meeting with Walbolt. He’s really psyched now. I just gave him an idea of the meeting and what I want to do about it. Boy does he seem really positive... I could use the strength too... I guess I really have a lot to talk to Skalkos about. Wow a lot is really happening. I got a solid opportunity and position to make my stand and I'm getting the solid support I need.

Mon, 6 Dec 2004 22:00:45 -0800 (PST)
From:"Eric" To:hyp
Subject:Re: Tao in the Library today

Hi Hyp,
Very cool stuff, I've got three books to read now. And I finished my finals today... aaahhh some free time finally. Yes still lots going on though, finding current research articles all afternoon today again.

I certainly would enjoy a coffee break too. It's kinda hard to find anyone who can freely talk about this stuff. The Taoist are almost secretive, and the mix into the neurosciences is kinda a rare conversation!

I’ve got a meeting this morning till after lunch. Then nothing planned till Thursday
10-5pm, but then its weekend for me, so just pick a time you can take a coffee break. I like to bike around campus, so I'm rarely more than 10 minutes away from anything.

Hope your finals all go good, and we’ll chat again soon....

--- hyp wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Sorry for the delay...lots going on. I did well
> on my final, thanks for asking.
> How do you like the books so far? I haven't had
> a chance to check out the link you sent me but,
> I will when I get a spare moment. I am by no
> means an expert on this topic but like you I'm
> interested. I would like to get together for
> some coffee and conversation but will be tied
> up for the next week. Let me know when you're
> available and we will coordinate a time.
> Hope all is well.
> Hyp

What do you really want to happen now?

It’s really weird for you to ask me that now. As I was reading through my journal I realized how it was describing the exact same thing that I did today. I mean I did the exact same thing all over again. And what’s really freaky is that the same names are in my journal, now as before. I mean Keith wrote me this week saying Bruce’s Birthday was 12/5 and his daughter’s is on 12/8.

There in my journal 5/87 I'm meeting Bruce who’s building the
New USF Art Museum, bidding to build an overpass to the VA Hospital on 30th, and looking at my crazy designs. While Keith is fighting with me about RAS but Chuck is excited about my proposals to Newkome. And my journals are now talking about building the dreams I’ve recently seen in the Tampa River Walk, USF PhD program, Pasco/Greenways and this week.

“something deep, something holy, something real that I can not explain, a love so beautiful, I can not turn away, God has Shown me a love so beautiful, I can not turn away, I can not turn away” I Cannot Turn Away by Jamie Slocum 12/7/2004 1:45:40 AM

It is really too intense to even write about. I mean there is just so much energy pumping through my body now. So I'm reading about this passion and desire as I created a new world in school... while then I lose a lover, an Expo Video, and have to start over it seems writing basic proposals for the university bureaucrats. So Skalkos asks why I don’t mourn the loses.

“I have a vision a hope a dream, that’s The Way, that’s The Way, that’s The Way it is With Love;” The Way it is With Love by Natalie Grant.

What else could you expect son?

This is what we’ve been telling you all along.

Do you think you are ready yet?

It’s really funny because I know I never mourn, like I wrote in 1987 people are always with me and I feel like they will return some day. So as I was reading about losing a lover and thinking, dreaming about intimacy.... even feeling them from a distance and recalling explaining the telepathy with Valerie.... lol.... and now the teleporting with Kathy. Wow, it’s funny Skalkos never heard about Kathy, just Valerie and Maryanne her twin... lol. And so as I reading this old journal and I stop to check my email and there was a reply for the cute girl with the stone into nueropsychology... "Tao in the Library today"

wow another email now?

----- Original Message -----
From: "erw" To: "Eric Weaver"
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: Hi there

Hey rick... lol...I always wanted to do that... Say that out loud fast "hey rick," it sounds like "ERIC"... lol... someone would yell that down the hall to me long ago, sorta saying hello and my name at the same time.

Yes sorry about the membership on The Changers group. It's a free Yahoo thing, bunch of files there, easy, so I use it a lot: I can let you use an ID or email you the final 10 MB original ppt.

With the research we did it turned into how Big Brother Business was exploiting the environment everywhere. Ending with a link to stop the 2005 Omnibus Budget SCAM where the Old Growth gets chopped with countless other porkers.

mindboggling for sure!
I certainly understand the KIDS FIRST thing. Congrates... enjoy every second with them? 2-3?

However, here in
Florida we got Brother Bush running all the state offices too, so the anti-BB-BSing message is building up quick. Howard Zinn just visited too

If you have any spontaneous ideas for a few non-profits that would be cool. Course after seeing some of what you've done, I'm kinda embarrassed to say this, but look at the stars history at the bottom of that page to see who helps do that.

Are you still interested in an anti-BB-BSing message?
We might be able to bring in something to make it a paying gig.

Maybe even tie in with my MBA..... into <= my son..... <= with my dauther.....
to make it all a paying gig for me too!

wow now my mind is blown away ... overload for sure.
Thanks for the Reply

More power to the EWs....


----- Original Message -----
Monday, December 06, 2004 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: Hi there

Yo, Eric, what's up? Thanks for the note.

I think what you're doing with the powerpoint deck is great. It's a huge problem right now in the Northwest, and mindboggling that it's even happening in the first place.

I'm not sure what I can do to help. I run a struggling marketing firm and that pretty much takes up all my free time. I have the skills to get an anti-logging message across but not the budget to create an awareness campaign to help change public opinion. Hopefully someone with deeper pockets does....if they were out there, I'd love to work on a gig like that.

I couldn't get into your "The Changers" group on Yahoo... evidently I have to be a member?

I appreciate the kind words. If you know of an organization that wants to do a campaign about clear-cutting, I'd love to help. But it'd have to be a paying gig at this point. Gots to feeds the kids! :)

More power to the EWs....
- ew
channeling gilbert gottfried, all day, every day.

# posted by stars2man @ 4:53 AM 0 comments  

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:27:27 PM

Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:27:27 PM

What you did was good son, no worries, be happy!

It’s all going to bust apart soon isn’t it?

What have you been asking for? Do you think you are ready?

I guess nothing would happen if I wasn’t ready. And the way things are all coming together very slowly and clearly, it seem like this is all exactly as it needs to be.

What else would you expect?

Am I finally going to get into my fantasy

From: erw To: eric Cc: eric
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 12:04 AM
Subject: Hi there

Hey Eric,
I occasionally search for our name to see what comes up first, since I've written so much.

When I searched today and found your sites I was pleasantly impressed. I like your work. You are very skilled at websites and marketing, which I'm just starting to look at now in an MBA. Care to help?

I was born in CA and Visited Vallejo for the first time this summer as I drove up to
Portland. Wonderful area, so my last class project is about how the forests are getting destroyed in the Northwest:

This is a cut version you can get to easily. But if you want to look at the whole thing it is here:

Thanks for reading this note. It's great to see the name doing so well...
Maybe you can help out with this!
There is really so much more I need to DO!


Wow this is really cool.
5/1/87 4.03pm Dr. Skalkos surmised that after my accident I abandoned my own instinctive identity, actions and selfhood. I learned to adapt to other peoples’ attitudes because they were safe..... She said that now I need to regain some of my traits that I abandoned.

What do you think about this?

It’s really kinda funny to think about it now. I'm in the same place again trying to do what we talked about years ago.... wow 17.6 years ago. I'm getting closer and closer to freely following my instincts all the time. And again I'm in the place and position to change everything that there is.

# posted by stars2man @ 4:09 AM 0 comments  

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Saturday, December 04, 2004 12:08:08 PM

I'm not really sure what is happening, or what this is all about. But I know I'm more in control of it all than ever.

Post all this to your blog. I thought you were going to start doing all this typing right into your blog?

I guess maybe I can sooner or later, but not yet. I'm still kinda slow and distracted about all of this. Now I really have to study for a test Monday anyway.

7:48:09 PM
Picture 19 dated
4/6/87 10.53pm. I am talking about sharing with Skalkos for the first time!!! She understands how much I deal with the subliminal.... Wow, this is really intense:

  •  “what I need to know is why or where am I going and how will I get there”

That’s really cool to see this written here again I knew I had to read this journal again. I saw it sitting here and felt it calling my name.

What do you mean?

Its like the energy, or magnetism of the information called to me.... I mean the information that I had sitting on the edge of my dresser these past months since my summer vacation reminded me. Wow, it has been that long, I didn’t know that. So I'm going to see her again next week.

·           “I know I can’t tell everyone everything and I know I need to tell them more or else they won’t listen or will lose interest. I know there must be a happy medium and I know I must find my content point where I can be open and honest about myself without being threatening or obtuse”

This is Faith By Andrew Carlton I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ ... I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ “This is what it means to chose your way” wow, I wrote a prayer after the bit above.

  • “I love You Lord Jesus Christ, Please Lead and Guide me to Achieve Your Love and Glory for us All. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ amen!”
  • 4/14/87 12.08pm I need to stand up for what I'm doing, what’s my game plan? I need to write a game plan

Funky listening to the helicopter and Christian Rock songs while reading these Classic Rock songs I had written before. It’s really a trip doing this now.

  • 4/17/87 3.42pm. Lol... 4.32pm “I'm scared I can’t tell her about anything, not what I know and feel so never what I experience. Like I don’t, can’t, just couldn’t even start to dream what could happen with USF. I hate to set limits.... but I'm not allowing full expression ((of myself)).
  • 4/18/87 12.11am Lol...11.29pm “I have to learn to be comfortable with who I am”
  • 4/18/87 11.55pm It’s like I’ve been a leader all my life.... now I just need to get set with myself.... find a place and attitude that is really me. I need to get the confidence to express myself fully and grow to dominate situations.... I have to come to ground with myself and dominate my own needs and desires.

Lord I Believe in You By Crystal Lewis

·         4/19/87 10.05am like everything I do affects me and my life. I know how things affect me so I've dreamed with Jesus so I could learn how to do HIS WILL as I am.

·         10.22am “highway in the light, I've found my chosen road”

The Closer I get to the Cross by: Palisade CMRadio.Net "The face of God has made me Whole, Jesus Take my life...." Lay it Down By David Bush What do you really need to talk about?

Am I asking you or are you asking me?

Son this is all about you. What are you going to do with all that you read and understand again here.

It is just really weird to read this all over again and see what I'm doing right here before my eyes.

What do you need to do to get ready for tomorrow?

I guess I'm really just nervous about seeing Dr. Skalkos now. I mean she already knows everything there is to know about me. Everything. She knows the stories about Maryanne and all the STARS – RAS stuff that Keith wants to return to town to complete. NOW, LOL..... then she knows about so very much more. And she was really working to help me out. It’s kinda freaky now that I see I'm really in the exact same place I was back then.

# posted by stars2man @ 10:28 PM 0 comments  

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:59:02 PM

So I saw Natasha and Claire today, and even got a voice mail from Olga. There seems to be a great deal coming together here again. It’s really interesting how fast it all is. I was really skeptical about going out to eat now, but I ended up talking myself into it though I'm still not clear or sure about it, as I sit in Outback waiting for my order.

What do you think this is all about?

It really is kinda hard to follow completely I always feel and know that I need to do a lot and that I will do whatever you put before me. It certainly is almost magical how this all happens to me. But I know it needs to be like this. It always is like this.

What else would you prefer?

It would be great if it was all over already. But I know it’s not the finished thing that makes it, it’s all the process to get there. The process is almost more fun than anything else. And I guess I can see more of this process coming together that ever before. Both Claire and Natasha had recently seen things to add to my list of things to read and do. It’s always kinda freaky to see so many things coming together so quickly.

What do you want to see?

I guess I would really like to see my kids return home safely. See all my patents get built and done successful, and see You come into your own here.

What you mean is clear, but what you say isn’t. It’s interesting to see how your written words change as you take more time to think about it all. Why don’t you try a bit more clarity?

I guess I miss my kids more than anything, but I know that having my kids and being successful is meaningless without you. So I know that meeting the things here that can bring you freedom is the best and most important thing to do. I guess I can see how these things are all related and intertwined, so it’s very important for me to do what I know is most important. So I can stay focused, as I know this will make things clearer and easier for everyone.


I can get this stuff done. I know I can. It’s very easy and simple. And I know it can get it all together as quickly as you need. Well maybe, but certainly quick enough?

What you are doing is fine, trust it all and just be!

Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ You are the best.... I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ


# posted by stars2man @ 6:39 PM 0 comments  

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 2:47:45 PM

I'm in the library, watching the cute girls again. I came in here to do some research and I really have tons and tons to do. Where to start is always my issue...

So a really cute girl came in and sat in the next chair. She had a stone set in the middle of her forehead, and was clearly not Indian. So I asked about it wondering if she was Buddhist. She said she avoided practicing any one religion but liked the stone and had several of different colors and styles.


We chatted a few more times and she finally asked me about what I was researching. I was hesitant at first but finally said I was exploring DNA and consciousness theories. Then she tells me she is getting into nueropsychology and gave me a few books to read. She had a French final to go to at 6pm. I was hoping she would make it back here, but it doesn’t look like it now. She did give me her email address and name so we do plan to chat again some more.

Course that is so cool. I just love it. Thank You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ You are the best.... I love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ

# posted by stars2man @ 9:36 PM 0 comments