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I Name of Organization

Students Taking an Active Role in Society; a Community Service Organization.

II Purpose

To seek opportunities for its members to gain "real world" experiences while studying in the normal academic classes. To educate and encourage the direction of students toward a more realistic education through community projects. To pursue resources and means to develop public service projects within the academic setting.

III Anti-Hazing Statement

This group is in compliance with Florida Statute 240.262 regarding 'Hazing':

"This organization prohibits its members, both individually and collectively, from committing any acts of hazing as defined herein:

'Hazing' means any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with this organization. Such term shall include, but not limited to, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or any other forced physical activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that would result in extreme embarrassment, or any other activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual. For the purpose of this section, any activity as described above upon which the initiation or admission into affiliation with this organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be a 'forced activity,' the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding."

This group is also in compliance with any additional policies which the University has set.

IV Membership

Membership is open to anyone who supports the furtherance of the purposes of the organization. Non-Students are not discriminated against, however, being a student increases the potential for a fuller utilization of available resources.

A) Membership is determined by activity alone and is primarily a function of the individual's own initiative to contribute to ongoing projects.

B) Non-Students shall not exceed 20% of total members and cannot be Executive Officers of this student organization.

  1. To be a full Voting Member, one
    must remain involved with different projects in the organization, and with helping in other projects, not simply on their own projects.
    must have a full understanding of the constitution, and follow all guidelines set forth herein.
    must be committed to the projects and goals of this organization, for a complete year at a time
    must receive a written recommendation of an Active Voting Member, submitted to the Executive Board to be reviewed and voted on for approval.

V. Quorum Statement

The issues relating to the operations of this student organization are voted on by a quorum consisting of 51% of the active Voting Membership present at any regular or special meeting.

VI. Officers

Executive Officers will be determined by annual elections and shall be maintained by tenure of competency, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Director. They must be full voting members. Officers will be guided by the Executive Director as stated in the Articles of Incorporation.

A) Executive Officers who will compose the Executive Board will consist of the following:

l) President:

a) Shall assist faculty and industry sponsors in appointing, directing and supervising Project Officers.

b) Will preside over meetings of the student organization unless he appoints another to do so.

c) Will interpret this constitution, and assure that all its guidelines are followed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, the Federal, State and Local Laws, as well as the rules of the University and other involved academic bodies.

d) Will have power to veto projects presented, or proposed if they are contradictory to this constitution, its goals purposes and laws as described in the previous duty 'c'.

2) Vice President:

a) Will assist the president in all his duties.

b) Will insure all projects are developed in a feasible manner

3) Secretary Treasurer:

a) Will handle and file organizational paperwork.

b) Will oversee budget matters as they arise.

c) Will follow the guidelines and supervision of the President &/or the Executive Director.

4) Project Director:

a) Will insure that projects are efficiently completed.

b) Will oversee all the Project Officers to insure they follow this constitution, and conduct the organization, and development of their project in an effective professional manner.

B) Project Officers:

l) Need not be Voting Members.

2) Will be the primary developers of their own projects and be so designated until such time the project is completed, or it proves to be ineffective.

3) Will be directly responsible for all actions and programs involved in their project.

4) Can assign duties to involved members, provided they are all consistent with this constitution, and the goals and objectives approved by the Executive Board.

5) To begin a project one must:

a) Submit a written proposal to the Executive Board for approval. It must fully describes the purposes, the costs, and the methods in which they will be accomplished. This must also include the methods of financing and the kind and number of supporting members, officers, or services which will be needed.

b) All records of these methods and finances must be kept, and submitted to the Executive Board upon request, and/or completion of the project.

C) Officers shall perform described duties until such time that he/she proves to be ineffective or detrimental to the organization or any of the current projects of the organization.

D) Blatant disobedience of this constitution by any of the acting Officers is a just cause for removal.

E) If any member proves to be detrimental to this organization, its members, any of its projects, or if he does not satisfy the qualifications for Voting Membership any longer the full voting privileges for said member can be suspended.

F) Any Claim against a Member, Voting Member, Project Officer, or Executive Officer must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board, Executive Director, or Corporation for action.

l) If such Claims are against an Executive Officer, or if they are an appeal to any actions of an Officer, or the Executive Board, such Claims must also be submitted to the Executive Director.

2) Upon review such Claims will be acted upon through a two-thirds majority vote of the Active Voting Membership at a special meeting designated for such action.

3) Full member participation, and involvement can also be suspended, at the discretion of the Executive Board, only if said member continues to be detrimental to this organization.

4) Any Claims, or Actions will be dealt with as in a court of law, with only one Appeal accepted from a convicted party per academic year.

VII. Meetings

Can be called for at any time for any reason. Attendance is optional. However, meetings will be scheduled on a regular basis depending upon facilities. Scheduled special meetings will be conducted by Robert's Rules of Order. All Active Voting Members will be informed about any special meetings, and regular meetings.

VIII. Rules of Order

Are determined by the needs and concerns of the meeting. Robert's Rules of Order shall be upheld in the case of scheduled Special Meetings.

IX. Finance

There are no required initiation or maintenance of membership dues. Initial donations are needed to cover the expenses of gaining new membership. Projects will be financed by seeking supporters. If STARS closes, all owned property will be distributed among other Non-Profit Public-Service or Educational Organizations as designated by the Corporation.

X. Executive Director

The Executive Board of this student organization will elect an Executive Director, and must submit a written recommendation to the Corporation for review, and vote before acceptance. Once approved the Executive Director will act as a voting member of the Corporation, he will remain for two years and again will be reviewed by the Corporation, unless he resigns or is removed by a vote of the membership of the Corporation. This Executive Director will be responsible for the student organization which elects him. He will cast the deciding vote of Executive Board meetings in the event of a tie. If removed, this student organization will elect another as previously stated. This organization may not do any new non-profit charitable activities until a new Executive Director is established.

XI. Committees

The voted-in officers form the Executive Board and can appoint project committees and other officers when necessary

XII. Amendment

Can be suggested by any Active Voting Member at any time and must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for review and subsequent vote. Any amendments to this constitution must be submitted to the Executive Director for approval before they become operational.


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Your comments and suggestions are welcome, you can reach me by e-mail at: stars2man at Copyright © 1997 STARS USA Inc.


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This page was last updated on 06/30/99 12:19 PM.