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Contemporary Issues in US Education

Editors: Kathryn M. Borman, University of Cincinnati; Piyush Swami, University of Cincinnati; and Lonnie D. Wagstaff, University of Texas-Austin

As America moves into the twenty-first century, educational policy makers must face many complex issues. Questions of equity, choice, quality, and democracy need to be resolved if the public school system is to effectively prepare a diverse student population for the future in a socially and technologically complicated society. This volume explores critical aspects of this debate by focusing on two topics; understanding social and policy issues, and initiating political action to confront and solve them. Contributors analyze the current system and suggest new approaches for evaluating schools and empowering educators; look at the political side of educational policy decisions; examine the anthropological background of learning in various cultures; review selected studies of American secondary schools; explore language within school culture and how it reflects and shapes human experience; address methodological problems of evaluating what teachers "do;" and focus on literacy learning and higher education.



Published 1991; 192 pages;

Description SKU # Price
Cloth 0-89391-662-6 $39.50

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