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Welcome to our New STARS Web Site!!! We hope you will find it familiar to use and easy to find what you need. Please look around at the new features.

Our Mission

To achieve an interactive volunteer organization of students, faculty and community members, which will match business and government needs with student education requirements. The primary goal is to develop the operation of a unified educational resource database available on the World Wide Web. The Secondary goal is to establish a clear specific relationship between STARS, the University of South Florida and other local small businesses and corporations to facilitate the First Goal. 

Company Profile

Students Taking an Active Role in Society, otherwise known as STARS USA, Inc., is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping college students bridge the gap between class room studies and actual "hands on experience." Many companies require research for their business, communities are in need of social services, and college students must have experience in today’s market in order to get their first job. It is STARS’s goal not only to identify these three components: research, social services, and experience; but also to coordinate and match these companies, government, and college students so that all can benefit. The outcome of what STARS calls experiential education is simple: students will receive "hands on" experience by fulfilling the needs of private industry and government while earning college credit.


Chuck Miccolis and Eric Weaver, engineering students at the time, started STARS as a student group in 1984 at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Later they incorporated it as a non-profit company under the laws of the State of Florida.  STARS also has 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. Since its inception, the organization has worked with students, private industry, and the community on a continual basis mainly in the Tampa area.

Procedures are now being developed to provide this technology to other schools. If you are an educator, business, citizen or student that would like to establish a similar service in your own location, please contact us to discuss obtaining a complete installation disk.

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact STARS if you have any questions or concerns.
We do recommend that you use e-mail:
Electronic mail 
General Information: stars2man at
          Webmaster: stars2man at
Postal address 
          2008 E. Patterson St., Tampa FL 33610



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Information presented on or through STARS is provided for educational and discussion purposes only.  STARS makes no guarantee, implied or otherwise, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided on or through this service. 

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, Send mail to stars2man at with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997 STARS USA Inc
Last modified: November 06, 1997