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Development of Hillsborough County Internet services, and possibly a contract between Hillsborough County, USF and STARS.

County Web Site:

Provide Student research projects
Provide public access to county data
Provide simple information postings
Enable simpler county data retrieval
Provide "sample" data sets for testing
Provide suitable retrieval and dissemination sites for Beta Webs


Receive ample resources and access to create data transfer mechanism
Receive support for specific software development and modifications

Key Benefits

Student, faculty access to development opportunities.
Increased public services with greater data availability and access.
Increased community coordination as USF and Hillsborough County establish a defined relationship.

Donation Guides

Description Unit Price
Addition web site page installed. $100 ea.
Expanded database systems software. $200 ea.
New support staff member, teacher or technician. $3000 ea. month

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

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Copyright © 1997 STARS USA Inc
Last modified: November 03, 1997